- Landmarks To Honor ‘Landmarks’Daily North ShoreFebruary 24, 2016“Our three honorees have made significant contributions in cultivating Chicago’s cultural heritage as the sustaining pivot for the city’s growth,” said Bonnie McDonald, President and CEO of Landmarks Illinois.
- CAST Donor Spotlight: Tawani FoundationIllinois State UniversityFebruary 19, 2016The Tawani Foundation ROTC Awards program was founded in 1996 as a way to support the educational, civic and leadership goals of cadets and midshipmen by recognizing outstanding performance.
- As a man and woman successfully: Jennifer Pritzker is the first transsexual billionaire in the worldBusiness Insider DeutchlandFebruary 17, 2016Article in German.
- Canadian University Establishes First Chair in Transgender StudiesInverseFebruary 17, 2016Devor’s new position was made possible from a $1 million donation from the Tawani Foundation, which has also promised to donate a million more if other donors match their contribution. The founder and president of Tawani is transgender activist and retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Pritzker.
- Sociologist Becomes Inaugural Chair in Transgender StudiesThe Chronicle of Higher EducationFebruary 14, 2016Tawani’s founder and president is U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker, retired, a transgender woman who is heir to a family fortune.
- Jennifer Pritzker Being Honored for Preservation WorkCurbedFebruary 12, 2016Busy billionaire philanthropist and retired US Army Colonel Jennifer Pritzker will be honored next month for her ongoing preservation work.
- The Sword and the Stone TerraceEvanston RoundtableFebruary 10, 2016Colonel Jennifer Pritzker, center, used her sword to cut the ribbon at Stone Terrace B&B, 1622 Forest Place, on Jan. 29.
- Pritzker Opens New Evanston Bed and BreakfastEvanston PatchFebruary 10, 2016An ownership team that includes transgender North Shore billionaire Jennifer Pritzker recently opened Stone Terrace, Evanston’s newest bed and breakfast.
- Jennifer Pritzker Opens Second Evanston Bed and BreakfastCurbedFebruary 03, 2016Last week owners Jennifer Pritzker, Dawn Overend, and Tom and Sue Zipprich joined Evanston Mayor Elizabeth Tisdahl for a ceremonial ribbon cutting for the town’s newest bed and breakfast.
- Open house gives glimpse of Evanston’s second bed and breakfastChicago TribuneFebruary 02, 2016The restoration is Pritzker’s second bed and breakfast, which weren’t allowed under Evanston zoning until a few years ago.